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Achievement 1


  • Cleared UGC NET 1) Asha Philip 2)Aswathymol A.K
  • SET Passed - 7
  • K.TET - 47
  • C-TET - 2
  • Third prize is to Roshni B Karimpaniyil & Amitha Johny
  • Rev. Dr. John Vallamattam Memorial Intercollegiate Debate Competition held at Nirmala College
  • Third prize obtained by Basil Anil and Sreyas Babu in District Level Intercollegiate Quiz Competition organised by Newman College Thodupuzha.
  • Third prize secured by Albin Shaju and Fr. Gigi George in All Kerala Intercollegiate Shuttle Badminton Tournament organized by St. John the Baptist's College of Education, Nedumkunnam.
  • Fr. Ajesh George- 2nd Prize in Elocution Competition held at St. John the Baptists College of Edu. Nedumkunnam
  • Albin Jijo - 3rd Prize in Elocution Competition held at St. John the Baptists College of Edu. Nedumkunnam
  • Visit by Prof. (Dr.) Bhardwaj, Head of Dept.of Edu NCERT on 29-2-24
Achievement 2


  • Secured UGC Net 3 - Ms. Greeshma Clement, Ms. Sona Mathew, Sr. Jaimi Abraham
  • Cleared SET - 10
  • K.TET - 52
  • C-TET - 15
  • 2nd Position - Participated in "Gloria 2019" an intercollegiate Carol song Competition held at Newman College. Thodupuzha.
  • Mr. Jerin J Pattamkulam Secured 'A' grade in Malayalam Speech in the MG University Artsfest, "Article 14' held at ' Al-Azhar College Perumpillichira
  • Kumari Rechu Jose presented a paper on 'Fuzzy Soft set' in the National Seminar held at St. Tressas College, Ernakulam
  • Jerin J Pattamkulam presented a paper a paper on publice. Awarness about Right to Information Act at BMC. Thrikkakkara
  • An ISRO scientist took class on the topic " Chandrayan II and the functions on ISRO' on 10th October 2019
  • Gramasabha a unique programme was organized by Mr. George Thomas on 21st January 2020.
  • Gopika Jayan, Jonichan Manayani and Song Mathew presented a paper on "Leaming Through Lyrics: Music, as Movement" in Newman College, Thodupuzha
  • Participated in the inter-collegiate Badminton tournament held at St John Baptist's College of Education, Nedumkumam
Achievement 3


  • Rev. Dr. Johnson Oroplackal, Dr. C. C. Kurian and Mr. Francis. Nellikunnel presented the project on Bio - Forming - "Developing ASK in Organic Farming among prospective Teacher's before NCTE Delhi, on 28th June 2018. National Award for the: same was declared for the college on 4th July 2018.
  • 96 students participated in the flood relief work and packing kits for the affected family on 1 September 2018. B.Ed. students 2017-2019 participate in cleaning of houses affected by flood and distributed food and dress in Idukki and Ernakulam Districts.
  • Sephy Joy won 4th position in the inter collegiate Dissertation Presentation Competition held at St. Thomas College of Teacher Education Pala on & the September 2018
  • Cleared UGC Net 3 -Mr Abhishek Alasions, Ms. Glinsia Jose, Sr. Jaimi Abraham
  • SET Passed - 6
  • KTET - 13
  • Jinto Jose participated in the inter collegiate chess championship held at BK College, Amalagiri, kottayam on 27th September 2018
  • Binumol Joseph and Sr. Tiny Thomas participated in the National Seminar "New arenas of folklore Study' conducted at St. Joseph College Moolamabtam on 28-29 September 2018
  • Ronal Sunny, Chithra Mathew, Lallu Psaju, Mina Britto Presented a paper on 'A study Google App and Mobile App in Curriculum Transaction' in the National Seminar conducted at St. Thomas college of Teacher Education Pala on 4th October 2018
  • 1st Prize - 7 students were participated in Inter collegiate Tug of war Competition held at Porukara College of Teacher Education
  • 1st Prize - Fr. Paul Mathew and Jack Jose got first prize for the state level Badminton Competition held on 28th February ' 2018 at Titus College Thiruvalla
  • 16 Students were participated in intercollegiate sports meet held on 9th March 2019 at kottayam
    1st Prize - Joyal Cherian - Long Jump
    2nd Prize - Abhishek Aloshious - Discuss Throw
    3rd Prize - Joseph K. V- 400 m Race
    1st Prize - Abhishek Aloshious - Shot Put
    3rd Prize - Arun Stephen - Shot Put
    3rd Prize - Albin Kurian - High Jump
    3rd prize 4x100m, Race
  • Participated in SAM fest held at SAM College Education, Poothotta and they got and prize for MIME.
  • Rinu Raju and Ronal Sunny presented a paper on " Issues and challenges of E-commerce" in the National Seminar conducted at Marian College Kuttikanam.
  • Rinu Raju presented a paper on Science for Health in the National Seminar conducted at PKM college of Teacher Education Madlampam, Kannur