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Date & Year Mile Stone
February 23, 2005 The college received recognition from National Council for Teacher Education.
February 23, 2005 Rev. Fr. Jacob Kalapurackal took charge as Local Manager.
July 9, 2005 The first Principal, Rev. Sr. Dr. Christina Augustine, took charge.
July 20, 2005 The college was inaugurated by Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas Malekudy, the Vicar General of the Diocese and it started functioning with 100 students on rolls for B. Ed Programme.
October 3, 2005 His Excellency Rev. Dr. Joshua Mar Ignathios, the Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Thiruvananthapuram, visited the college.
January 5, 2006 Permission to start M. Ed. Degree Course was received.
January 17, 2006 Ex-minister Sri. P.J Joseph presided over the inauguration of the college union.
June 5, 2006 Rev. Fr. Jose Vengooran took charge as Local Manager.
October 9, 2006 The college shifted to the new block.
December 23, 2006 Dr. Cyriac Thomas, former V.C of M.G University, presided over the college union inauguration and Christmas celebrations.
March 24, 2007 The college secured the overall championship in the Inter-Training College Athletic Meet at St. Joseph’s Training College, Mannanam.
September 25, 2007 Dr. Baby John took charge as Principal.
December 21, 2007 His Excellency Mar. George Punnakottil, the Bishop of Kothamangalam, presided over the Christmas celebrations.
January 7, 2008Received affiliation for M. Ed.
February 15, 2008NCTE granted permission to start M.Ed Course.
February 25, 2008Classes began for the first batch of M. Ed with 25 students.
May 30, 2009Rev. Fr. Dr. Thomas Pothanamuzhy took charge as Local Manager.
June 1, 2009Rev. Sr. Dr. P.T. Mary CMC took charge as the Principal of the college.
September 26, 2009Dr. K.S. Radhakrishanam, Former Vice-Chancellor, SreeSankaracharya University, Kalady, inaugurated the College Day celebrations.
February 13, 2010First Alumni Meeting of the college was held.
May 17, 2010Rev. Fr. Johnson Oroplackal took charge as Vice Principal.
May 29, 2010The college won the trophy in the Collegiate Sports Meet held at Nagambadam Stadium, Kottayam.
September 6, 2010 Fr. Joseph Puthenkulam Memorial Inter Collegiate Elocution Competition was held for the first time.
November 15, 2010 College bus started service.
June 3, 2011Dr. Pushpamma C. Vadakkel took charge as the Principal of the college.
September 13, 2011The college was declared as a Minority Educational Institution covered under section 2(g) of National Commission for Minority Educational Institution Act
September 16, 2011College Day was inaugurated by Minister Sri. P.J Joseph.
May 20, 2012Msgr. Francis Alappatt took over as Manager.
May 23, 2012Rev. Fr. John Elanjedath took charge as Local Manager.
January 1, 2013Rev. Sr. (Dr.) Christeena Augustine took charge as Principal of the college.
February 9, 2013Mar George Madathikandathil took over as Patron.
May 24, 2013Report of Value Education Project done in connection with the National Level Competition of Innovative Practices and Experiments was presented in the National Seminar in NCERT, New Delhi.
June 19, 2013The college received NCERT Award for Innovative Practices and Experiments.
June 29, 2013Completion of ‘Ramanujan Mathematics Project’ and submission of the report at the district Project Office SSA, Idukki.
August 16, 2013Mar George Madathikandathil, Bishop of Kothamangalam, visited the college to congratulate for the achievement of NCERT Award.
August 21, 2013Dr. A.V. George, Hon. Vice Chancellor of MG University presided over the Felicitation Meeting for winning the NCERT Award.
January 10, 2014The College Union and the Arts Club was formally inaugurated by Honourable Minister Sri. P J Joseph.
January 16, 2014Dr. C Gokuldasan Pillai, former Head of Curriculum Department, SCERT, Thiruvananthapuram, presented the paper in the seminar on ‘Vision 2030’.
January 24, 2014Mr. K.P Thomas, Dronacharya Award Winner, inaugurated the College Athletic Meet.
March 17, 2014Social Club was inaugurated by Sri P. C George, Government Chief Whip of Kerala.
June 30, 2014Sri. Ajit Patil IAS, District Collector of Idukki, inaugurated the seminar on Anti-addiction.
October 4, 2014Dr. Bharadwaj, HOD of Teacher Education Department, NCERT, visited the college.
October 24, 2014Proposal for the Assessment of Achievement.
October 28, 2014Received approval from SSA State Project Office, Trivandrum for conducting the Achievement Study of Std II and III in Kerala (a study undertaken for SSA Kerala).
March 21, 2015Secured the Runners Up Ever Rolling Trophy in the M.G. University Inter-training Collegiate Athletic Meet held at Nehru Stadium Kottayam.
March 30, 2015 Successfully completed theAchievement Study and submitted the report (of the Achievement Study of Std II and III in Kerala) in SSA State Project Office, Trivandrum.
May 25, 2015Msgr. George Oliappuram took over as Manager.
May 26, 2015Rev. Fr. Francis Alappatt took charge as Local Manager.
September 23, 2015Bio-Farming. Mr. Cyriac John, the Agriculture Officer, Gramapanchayat, Kumaramangalam handled a class as part of the innovative programme
November 19, 2015Seminar on Higher Studies Abroad by Mr. Sujith S. Viswanath from Choice International Oversear Edu.
November 20, 2015Workshop on ‘Performing Arts by Mr. Bosco Neelanal
November 25, 2015Orientation on ASAP by Ditty Thomas, Programme Manager, ASAP Thodupuzha
February 3, 2016Visit to B.R.C Arakulam. Mr. Saji Mathew B.P.O, took classes on SDP preparation and SMC formation.
March 9, 2016Proposal presentation in S.S.A, TVM on Training Need Assessment of Elementary School Teachers.
March 27, 2016Training Need Assessment of Elementary School Teachers Report was submitted to State S.S.A Office,Thiruvananthapuram.
June 26, 2017Submission of NCERT project proposal at Mysore
May 12, 2018Alumini meet
June 28, 2018Presented the project report on Bio farming at New Delhi by Dr. C.C Kurian, Dr. fr. Johnson Oroplackal & Mr. Francis Nellikunnel [developing ASK in organic farming among prospecture Teachers ]
July 4, 2018National award for Innovative Practise & experance in Education
February 22, 2024Secured 3rd prize in Rev. Dr. George Vallamattom Memorial Inter collegiat Debate competation conducted at Nirmala College , muvattupuzha
February 23, 2024Secured 2nd and 3rd prize s for elocution competition conducted at St.johnsthe bapist training college , nedumkunnam
February 24, 2024Secured 3rd Prize in Shuttle badminton tournment (Doubles) conducted at Karukachal Neev Indoor stadium by st. johns the baptists college nedumkunnam
February 29, 2024Dr. Bharadwaj, HOD of Teacher Education Department, NCERT, visited the college for on the spot verification of LAC Project
May 24, 2024Principal Rev. Dr. Johnson Oroplackal, Dr. C. C Kurian & Mr. Francis N.V presented a Project on promoting Innovative practise and experiments in education for schools and teacher education institutions in the national seminar at New Delhi on 24-25 July 2024.
June 14, 2024Gradution Ceremony
July 26, 2024MG university VC granted permission to write M.Ed Exam in Malayalam also
October 1, 2024Fr. Sebastian Thumbamattathil joined as faculty member and Bursar.
October 8, 2024An office room for bursar blessed by Principal Rev. Dr. Johnson Oroplackal
November 4, 2024National award received from NCRTE Delhi for the project on premoting innovative practise and experiments in education for schools and teacher education institutions
November 12, 2024Renovated M.Ed. staff room blessed.