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The institution established IQAC in 10-12-2003 immediately after its first accreditation.
The following are the members of the IQAC at present.

Chairman: Rev. Dr. Johnson Mathew Oroplackal
Co- coordinator: Dr.Kurian C.C
Joint-Co-ordinator: Dr. Shimna Paul
Secretary: Rev. Fr. Bibin Thomas
Committee Members
Dr.Pushpamma C. Vadakel
Mr. Ajai Joseph
Mrs. Lincymol Mathew
Mr. George Thomas
Management Nominees
Rev.Fr. Mathews Malieckal
Rev.Fr. Mathew M. Mundackal
Administrative Staff Representative
Mr. Binoy Paul
P.T.A. President
Student Representative
Dr. Tom Jose (Chairman)
Teaching Community Representative
Mr.Francis Nellikunnel
Some of the major initiatives undertaken by the IQAC in the previous years are detailed below.

The college is doing the initial steps to publish a research journal.

IQAC encourages faculty to take up research projects.

The IQAC also supported the organization of seminars and workshops. Four UGC sponsored events (three national seminars and a conference) and a national workshop were conducted in the previous years

IQAC also promotes the organization of various curricular and co- curricular programmes.
  • Assessment of entry behaviour and remedial programmes in English Language proficiency, Computer Literacy, General Knowledge, and Teaching Aptitude
  • Demonstration classes by SRGs, DRGs and subject experts from DIET/SCERT
  • Introduced an internship programme for B. Ed students
  • Fr.Puthenkulam memorial Elocution competition
  • Interaction with eminent personalities from various walks of life
Spiritual animation programme with a secular outlook
  • Study tours
  • Health related activities.
  • Extension activities like regular visits and donations to orphanages.
  • Community extension programmes like vermi-culture, mushroom cultivation and vegetable garden.
  • Peer evaluation during Teaching Practice.
  • The IQAC took the initiative for infrastructural additions like Media Lab, Language lab, and Smart Boards, LCD projectors, digitalised sound system, library and laboratory up gradation.
  • The IQAC took great interest in strengthening stakeholder relationships.
  • Designed a variety of feedback forms for its stakeholders, so as to get a more detailed and objective feedback from all the elements of the system.
  • The Annual alumni day is organized every year.
  • T.A. general body meeting is convened in the beginning of each academic year.
  • The IQAC took the lead in imparting education in an inclusive environment.
  • The college has instituted endowments and scholarships to meritorious students.