The college endeavours to maintain a well-equipped Library with 5062 books on different subjects, 500 references 104 Encyclopaedias and 11 Dictionaries. The colleges subscribe 11 Journals, 4 magazines, 4 Newspapers and 1 newsletter. A good collection of educational DVD/CDs are also available in the library.
Library Rules
- All the students of the college are entitled to make use of the books/ journals/ magazines etc and the other facilities available in the Library.
- Only the members of the staff and students of the college are entitled to use the library.
- The service hours of the library is from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm on all class days and from 10 am to 4 pm on other days except Sunday, public holidays, and specially announced holidays of the college.
- Students are allowed to take only note books/ white paper in to the library. Perfect silence should be observed in the library and its premises.
- Students are permitted to walk amidst the book racks and to take any book for reading.
- No person shall write upon, tear out or make any mark upon any book or article belonging to the library.
- Students are given borrowers cards which are not transferable. Four books can be borrowed at a time, for a period of seven days and must be returned on or before the date indicated in the book. An overdue charge of Rs. 1 per volume will be levied per day after due date. Once a book is issued, it will not be taken back on the very same day.
- If a book is damaged or lost by a member, he or she should pay the cost for replacing the book.
- Dictionaries, periodicals and reference books shall be lent out to the teachers and students with special permission for overnight reference only.
- Members are not permitted to sublend the books or cards issued to them
- The facilities of a xerox copier is provided at nominal rates
- If the book is not returned within 30 days of the due date of return, it will be presumed that the book is lost.
- All books must be returned to the library 3 days before the close of each term.
- Books, not exceeding four, may be taken out for Onam and Christmas holidays. All such books must be returned on the date of reopening.
- Outsiders are not allowed to enter the library without the permission of the principal.