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“St. Thomas College of Teacher Education Parent- Teacher Association” is functioning effectively in the college. The aim of PTA is to establish better rapport between parents and teachers as well as between teachers and students.
A parent-teacher conference is a short meeting or conference between the parents and teachers of students to discuss students’ progress at the college and find solutions to academic or behavioural problems. Parent-teacher conferences supplement the information conveyed by report cards by focusing on students’ specific strengths and weaknesses in individual subjects and generalizing the level of inter-curricular skills and competences.
The main objectives of the association are:
The ordinary membership of PTA is open to all the parents/guardians of all the students admitted in the college. The Manager or his nominee, the Principal and all the members of the faculty shall be the Executive members of the PTA.
PTA Executive 2023-2024
Executive Members
STAA (St. Thomas Alumni Association)
The college has an Alumni Association called STAA (St. Thomas Alumni Association). The purpose of an association is to foster a spirit of loyalty and to promote the general welfare of your organization. Every year on the Second Saturday of May, an annual get together is organized and most of the members of STAA participate in it. STAA has instituted a scholarship for the student who secures highest marks from the college for B.Ed & M.Ed Programe.