St. Thomas Training College, Myalcompu, foster systematic study habits, matured personality to be
responsible citizens to promote social mobility to lay different roles in the society. Our college develop
the institution into a centre of academic excellence by providing ample opportunities to obtain valuable
information about teaching learning techniques and skills. The college train students' to cognitively
enriched, effectively trained, morally upright, socially committed and spiritually inspired teachers. Hence,
all are humbly requested to observe the following rules and regulations.
Days and Class Hours
Classes begin everyday at 9.40 am. Immediately after the first bell students shall assemble in the college
auditorium for prayer. The prayer is followed by pledge and thought for the day. Immediately after the
morning assembly students shall move to their respective class rooms. Morning session will be over at 12.30
pm Afternoon session begins at 1.15 pm. S students must be in their class rooms at the first bell. Classes
begin at the second bell.
- Teachers shall take attendance at the beginning of each period.
- A student who is not in the class when attendance is taken shall be marked absent. It will, however, be
permissible for the teachers to mark present a student coming late after dealing with him as he/she thinks
- At the end of each term or beginning of the following term, a list will be put up on the general notice
board showing the number of days of attendance lost so far by each student.
- Absence from class for a period will be considered absent for the forenoon or the afternoon as the case
may be.
- Students are strictly forbidden from bunking classes. If there is sufficient reason to forego any one
class they must get prior permission from the respective lecturer, but for more than one class, they must
get leave from the principal.
- Coming late to classes is a source of disturbance both to the teacher and the class, especially when it
becomes frequent. Students are, therefore, requested to avoid coming late.
- Those who have reasons for absenting from classes, have to apply for leave to the teacher before the
class begins. A student requiring leave for a whole session or more must apply for it in writing to the
- Application for leave must be submitted in proper forms, failing which, leave will not be granted.
- No student will be granted more than ten days of casual leave in the year and more than seven days at a
stretch inclusive of Saturdays and Sundays.
- The principal may demand the production of medical certificate when casual leave applied for is due to
sickness. Students who are absent without leave for three or more consecutive days should submit an
immediate written explanation of their absence to the principal.
- A student absenting himself / herself without leave for 10 consecutive working days will be removed from
the rolls.
- Casual leave should not be availed of as a matter of course. Proper and acceptable reasons should be
- A student will forfeit one day's casual leave for every four times he is marked late.
- Day system is followed in the college, with Saturdays and Sundays as holidays.
- The Semester certificate of attendance and progress required for admission to the university examination
will not be granted unless,
- The student has 75% of the attendance prescribed by the college.
- The student has completed the course of instruction to the satisfaction of the authorities of the
college and
- His /her progresses in studies and conduct in the college and outside have been satisfactory.
Tests / Examinations
- There will be one terminal examination and a model examination in each semester.
- In addition to the above periodic test papers will also be conducted in all subjects. T
- Tests/examinations will not be deferred or anticipated to suit individual conveniences.
- Perfect order and discipline should be maintained during tests and examinations.
Identify Card
- Every student shall possess an identity card issued by the college with the signature and seal of the
- Students should always carry the identity card with them.
- The principal shall have the right to send back home any student if he/she doesn't possess the identity
Residence of students
- The students not staying with their parents or guardians are instructed to stay in recognized hostels or
lodges approved by the principal.
- The college office should be informed of the correct up-to –date home address as well as local address
to which any communication may be sent.
- The written approval of the principal should be obtained before changing the residence once approved.
- There is a ladies hostel (L.F. Boarding), attached to the college. This is run by the Sacred Heart
Sisters. L.F. Boarding Phone No. 04862-200469.
- Students leaving the hostel or remaining in the hostel on working days without the permission of the
hostel warden will be treated as serious misconduct.
- There is a college bus for the convenient transportation of the students
General Discipline and code of Behaviour
The following guidelines will help the students to behave in a courteous manner and to maintain general
discipline in the college premises.
- Our mornings begin with a prayer. The students should join the prayer.
- All the students have to be inside the classroom before the second bell goes. The students have to enter
the respective class room after the bell rings for the next hour.
- Rise from your seats and greet the teacher when he/she enters the class room. Rise again and thank the
teacher when he/she leaves the class room.
- All are expected to be punctual and regular in attendance. No student will enter or leave the classroom
when the session is on, without the permission of the teacher concerned.
- Students who happen to have no class should not loiter in the verandah during class hours. They may
either read in the library or leave the premises of the college with the permission of the principal.
- Students are forbidden to attend or organize any meeting in the college which is not approved by the
college authorities or collect money for any such purpose. They should not circulate among the students
any notice or petition or posters any where in the college premises without the written sanction of the
- Students are not allowed to leave the college campus during working hours without the permission of the
- Our students are expected to hold values, be polite and courteous, respect and greet seniors and
authorities both inside and outside the campus.
- Our students are expected to be clean, tidy and pleasing in appearance. Students should use uniform on
the prescribed days as per the instructions given by the principal. On all other days use neat dress
befitting student-teachers.
- All are expected to keep the college campus, class rooms, varandahs, auditorium etc clean and tidy.
Students are expected to be eager and ready to assist the teachers or other staff in keeping our
environment healthy and beautiful.
- Smoking, consumption of tobacco, pan-masala, liquor, drugs etc are not allowed in the campus. The
trainees are expected to follow this restriction outside the campus also.
- The grievance redressal cell can be approached in case of any grievance or complaint.
- Every one shall use the property of the college with care and preserve the cleanliness of the furniture,
building and the campus.
- Mobile phones shall not be used in the campus.
- Discipline is an integral part of the teacher training programme. The general behaviour of a trainee
both inside and outside the campus shall be in a dignified manner.