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Vision 2030
Based on the vision 2030 approach paper of Government of Kerala a Seminar focusing on educational vision of 2030 was conducted on 16-1-2014.The paper was presented by Dr. C. Gokuldasan Pillai, former HOD of curriculum department, SCERT, Kerala
Various Strategies of SSA for UEE
Seminar on Various Strategies of SSA for UEE on 29th June 2012. Dr. V.V. Shaji, district Project officer SSA presented the paper.
Quality Elementary Education
Seminar on Quality Elementary Education and Various Strategies under SSA Project was conducted in the college on 4th March, 2015. The paper was presented by Dr. K.R. Gopinathan, Chief consultant of SSA, Kerala.
Workshop for Headmasters and Mathematics Teachers
A workshop for Headmasters and Mathematics teachers of Kumaramangalam Panchayat was help on 12th November, 2012. The main objective of the programme was to familiarize various activities of Ramanujan Mathematics focusing on Instant Group Reward Test (1GRT).The classes were led by Dr. C.C. Kurian following lecture-cum-demonstration method. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. V.N. Shaji BPO, SSA, Idukki.
Convergence Meeting
Conference-cum-convergence meeting of educational officers and DIET faculties was held on 9th November 2012. The President of Kumaramangalam Grama Panchayat Celine Jeromine took the chair for the inaugural session of the meeting.
Seminar on Bio-farming
A seminar on bio-farming was conducted on 4th February 2014. The paper was presented by Sri. V.J. George Deputy director (Rtd), agriculture department. The paper emphasized on the importance of Jaiva fertilizers and Jaiva pesticides. The significance of Teras Vegetable cultivation was also presented.
Right to Education 2009
A seminar on Right to Education 2009 was conducted on 17th February, 2012. The paper was presented by T.P. Kaladharan, Senior Lecturer, DIET, Idukki. Dr. R. Prasannakumara Pilllai, Principal of DIET, Idukki was the moderator.
Vedic Mathematics
The Seminar on Mathematics Education focusing on Vedic Mathematics was organized on 7th December, 2012. The Resource Person of the programme was Dr. K.J.John, Vice Principal and HOD, Statistics Dept. Newman College, Thodupuzha. The programme was inaugurated by M.T.Thomas District Panchayat President, Idukki.
Tool Construction Workshop
A workshop for the development of tool for vegetable cultivation survey was conducted on 3rd September on 2015. A questionnaire for the survey was constructed in the workshop. Dr. C.C. Kurian, Darvin V.J and K.J. Francis, faculties of college gave guidance for the workshop
Tools for Achievement Study
A workshop for the Construction of Tools for the Achievement Study was held on 13th November 2015. Fr. Johnson Oroplackal, Dr. C.C. Kurian, Francis N.V and Darvin V.J, faculties of the college led the workshop. Tools of achievement test for Malayalam, English, Environmental science and Mathematics for Standard II and III were constructed in the workshop.