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Onsite Support
Connected to the Ramanujan Mathematics Project our faculties conducted visits and on-site-support to schools included in the project.
Quiz Programme.
For motivating the student in Mathematics learning, group based Quiz (on the basis of IGRT) programme was conducted in the college on 20th February 2013. Three member teams each for standard V, VI and VII of all the schools included in the sample participated in the Quiz. Vice Principal Fr. Johnson Oroplackal and Dr. C.C. Kurian were the Quiz masters.
Trophies were awarded to the winners by Smt. Anila George, deputy director of education, Idukki district.
Ramanujan Brooklet
For making the world renowned Mathematician Sree Nivasa Ramanujan familiar to our school students a one day exhibition named as “Ramanujan Brooklet” was conducted in the college on 7th December 2012. The “brooklet” was developed by collecting different important incidents in the life of Ramanuja from birth to death and arranging them as visuals. This arrangement was done in a Chronological order. Students from nearby schools seen the exhibition.
Learn Vedic Maths and Do Calculations Easily
With the Slogan Leara Vedic Maths and Do Calculations Easily” classes in Vedic Mathematical were arranged in the college focusing Upper Primary School Children. Different sessions of classes were taken for the students. Students from all the schools of Kumaramangalam Panchayat in which the college is situated attended the programme.
The classes were taken by Dr. K.J. John , Vice Principal and HOD of Statistics department, Newman College and Dr. C.C. Kurian, Associate Professor, St. Thomas College. The classes were arranged on 7th and 14th December 2012.
AIE Centre visit
Alternative Innovative Education (AIE) Centres are single teacher schools meant for educating children up to standard IV. Of such 64 schools functioning in Idukki district many are visited by the teacher trainees of the institute to study and exchange experience of variations in the background and the environmental factors that influence learning and learning styles.